DataGraph 4.3 for Amazing Scientific Plotting


This afternoon, after reading a Master's Thesis on the prediction of the Corn Spot Prices, I was talking to a friend about using Mathematica, and how much I'd really enjoy getting back into the mathematically-based work I did in my Thesis, and how if this new work was put in a service, Clojure would be the obvious choice, and plotting would be easily done with DataGraph, which is just a beautiful way to create publication-quality plots.

Here's an evolution of an electron pulse evolution in GaAs:

GaAs Pulse Evolution

I've been using this for years, and now I read in the 4.4 beta release notes, they are going to be adding tools to make it easier to get data into the app, and so it might make it all a lot easier for me and intergrating it with Clojure. That would be very nice.