Realizing What’s Important to Me


I've been doing a lot of thinking this morning about what's important to me. I can't deny that the main reason I'm in the job I'm in is because of the amazing pay. I mean, it's amazing. And I have to admit that the development work is fun. But I can do that anywhere - I'm a developer, after all.

But that's the point. I want to develop. I don't want to mess with Jira tasks. Especially ones that are as poorly written and duplicate the same problem, cover multiple topics, used as email, etc. It's not what a bug tracking system is ment to be doing. It's a hack. Product itself is probably fine. It's the usage.

So I've been thinking about what I want to do. I want to code.

I heard about a job today that just mentioned Mac OS X as a "plus". That single fact was enough to get me interested in the job. Simple things like the platform you really like make all the difference. Heard about another doing more Java work - same thing in reverse. I can do Java, but it's not exciting to me anymore.

I'm reading about Git - sounds fun. Why? Because it's a new way of doing the same old thing, but getting around some of the problems I've had for ages. How to do a CVS check-in on the train in the evening? Can't. Can with Git. Cool. That kind of stuff.

So as I'm sitting here thinking about what I need to be doing next, I'm realizing that a new challenge really does sound like fun. Something new to do, not change for change's sake - something interesting. We'll see what comes up.