Sublime Text 3.2 is Out

Sublime Text 2

This morning I saw a tweet from @SublimeHQ saying that Sublime Text 3.2 was out, and the list of fixes and features was really quite nice. The git integration is very nice - you can now see the branch you're on in the status bar, and when you click that, it will bring up Sublime Merge. It's not bad... not sure how much I'll use that, but it's nice that they have it integrated, and can show the branch on the editor window.

They also added a lot of nice Mac features:

  • Mac: Added Mojave support
  • Mac: Add full support for macOS native tabs
  • Mac: Ensure context menus are shown without scrolling
  • Mac: Error message dialogs can now be closed with the escape key
  • Mac: Improved window placement
  • Mac: Improved resize performance

I wasn't really disappointed with the performance, but to see the support for native tabs and Mojave - it's just really nice.

They also updated the syntax highlighting for Clojure, D, Go, and Lua - and while I'm not a big fan of the others, the changes they made to Clojure really nice. I also noticed that they have done something with the rendering in the Clojure files - could all be part of the syntax highlighting, but I'll have to see what it turns out to be. Looks like they "thinned out" the strokes on the comments, but we'll see. In any case, it's a lot nicer now for most of the coding I do.

It's an exciting upgrade, and it makes my day a little brighter.