iTerm2 is Quite Impressive


I've been using iTerm2 since it was forked from the original, as there were things in that I just didn't like at the time: forced scroll bars, difficult selection of words... lots of little usability and chrome things. Now it's true that since then, has gotten a lot better - and on each new macOS upgrade, I always give it a try for a little bit... just to make sure it's still not the tool I'd like to use. But for quite a while, it's been iTerm2.

So why write about it now? Well... with version 3.2, they have used Metal to make the text rendering amazingly fast and the scrolling super smooth. This makes the overall appearance a real treat. Just amazing, really.

Now I'm going to see what the status is for BBEdit and Sublime Text 3 - because this kind of scrolling and updating is really quite impressive!

UPDATE: Sublime Text 3 seems to be using the GPU for rendering! Great! No need to worry about that. I know that there are new MacBook Pros coming out this month with the new GPUs, and now may be the right time to look at upgrading!