Fun with FORTRAN and Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 2

Today I decided to open up some of the fortran code I wrote for my thesis - 30 yrs ago, and see if Sublime Text 3 would handle the syntax highlighting, and therein brought up an interesting point about the problem I had in upgrading from Sublime Text 2 to 3. So it made sense to write it all down just in case it happens on another upgrade in the future.

I found a nice Fortran package Sublime Text 3 - it did all the normal syntax highlighting stuff, and lots more. Very slick that it picks out the LaTeX formatting in the comments - Who thinks of this? Wild! So it seems like a great little find. Sweet.

I go to install it, using Package Control, and I noticed that Package Control wasn't installed. That's odd... I know I had it installed - maybe it didn't come over in the upgrade? So, let's install it again... No biggie.

Well... kinda... When I following the installation instructions, I didn't see it show up in the pop-up. Very odd. I checked the directory structure - it was there... but it wasn't showing up. Very odd...

So I Googled the issue, and it seems that it's something that happened enough to warrant a tip - it might be disabled. Go to the general settings, a JSON file, and then see if it's in the list of disabled packages. Sure enough - there it was! I simply deleted it from the config, and restarted Sublime, and Bingo!

After that, everything was working just fine:

Bias F in Sublime Text 3