Reading Up on CloudKit


After I went through Swift and Xcode, I was looking for something to read, and CloudKit seemed like a really good thing to read - as I know a friend is using it for his app, and it's one of the really nice features that Apple is making available for server-side uses in the iOS and macOS apps. I'm not at all sure when I'll use it, but I really wanted to get to know it so that I can know what it's capable of, and the basic limitations it's got.

To start, it's important to see this as what might be called a very simple database, and it's probably a good idea to take Apple's cue and call them RecordSets. It really is best to think of them as Collections, as it's not really a traditional database at all, but you can mimic a lot of database activity with it. Still - Collections is the best way to think about it.

Next, they have certainly put in a lot of work to make sure app developers have the tools they need to specify these records on the Apple developer web site. It's really impressive, but then again, Apple uses CloudKit a lot - so it makes sense that you make the tools that help you make apps.

What's interesting is that they have a very logical, clear, data access pattern that covers getting just the updated records... or sending a predicate and getting all the records that match that, or paging them as needed to make the app more responsive to the user. What I find very nice about CloudKit is that for thumbnails of the images - they don't do a thing - it's up to you, the app developer, to make those, and put those in the record. That way, you control the style, image quality, etc. of the thumbnail. Very nice.

I Like that they have the batch and single operation interface, and they have really gone all-in on the NSOperation as the tool for doing all this work. If you get used to that, and good at using it you're going to be set with CloudKit. They have subclassed that to have a lot of different operations, and true to NeXT and Apple form, the names are a little strange to me now - having done a lot of functional coding over the last few years - where names are typically a lot shorter, but that's just the way NeXT has always been.

As I was watching the WWDC sessions, and reading the docs, I realized that this could not really be made a lot simpler for the general case of interacting with iCloud, but it sure was a lot more complicated than any one app would really need. I kept thinking about how to simplify this and make it into a library with simpler access patterns. Then I'd realize that it would be restrictive, and so it would only be good for a subset of all use-cases, and again Apple did the right thing, and it's complex because it's a complex system.

Still... I can bet that if I had to use it in an app, I'd have to make a Framework or something to encapsulate the use cases that I was going to be using - just because I'd need to abstract this away to make it simpler to see how the part interacted with one another. But I suppose that another point to consider is that an app isn't about a lot of complexity, and so interacting with CloudKit is probably the most complex thing an app is doing, and so it's not really surprising that this is as complex as it is.

Low down: it's impressive, and full-featured, and I think it's great that Apple made it.