Updated DKit to SO Shared Library

DKit Laboratory

Withe the recent improvements in performance from Xcode 10 for my Swift code, I thought I wanted to dust off DKit and make sure it still works on macOS 10.13.6 with Xcode 10 - it's been quite a few years since I've made any changes to it, and I just wanted to make sure it all builds and runs.

One of the things I remembered from a few months ago, when I tried to dust it off for a homework project for a job interview and I had some problems with the fact that the shared library was being built as a dylib and that just makes it a lot harder. At the time I originally wrote the library - some 15 yrs ago - there wasn't the support in Mac OS X for the standard unix SO shared library - so I had to use the dylib and figure out how to link it in properly.

Today, the story is entirely different - and honestly, for several years, I've known that macOS could generate the unix SO shared library. So I just switched over to that this morning, and gave it a spin. Turns out it worked perfectly.

I was able to compile all the components of the library, and then the test apps, where the templates are really being used, and all the tests ran. I checked in the simple changes to the Makefiles and everything is solid.

I'm sure there are a lot of things that this could add - I could make a test app that read a file and sent it out on a TCP or UDP transmitter - for the testing of the TCP and UDP receiver, but I'm not worried about that right now. It's enough that it's still working just fine, and builds on the latest macOS. Can't beat that!