Tried Coke Zero – Not a Fan

Diet Coke

The Shop is out of Diet Coke, and I can respect that they don't owe me a free Diet Coke, but it's still a little sad to see all the other drinks in the fridge, and not my favorite. So... assuming this was a Teachable Moment - I decided to try Coke Zero.

I can respect that people like this - I believe that it's the new Coke formulation in a zero-calorie formulation, but I could be wrong about that. I know I worked with a guy that preferred Coke Zero to Diet Coke, so I thought How bad can this really be? and gave it a try.

It's not horrible, but I'd rather drink water. It's something about the taste - but that completely explains why Coke has the two zero-calorie formulations. There's a real difference, and some don't really like the one. Go figure. In any case, I drank it - can't waste something like that, and then decided against having another.

Experiment done. Results obtained.