Excellent JDBC4 Fix for ?-operators in Postgres


In Postgres 9.4, there are several JSONB operators that include a ? as part of the operator. This is nasty for the JDBC usage because the JDBC driver uses the question-mark as the substitute parameter place-holder for arguments. And there's no escaping of values in a JDBC PreparedStatement so what's a guy to do?

Sure, you can make a simple custom function to do this, but that's kinda wasteful, and it's not very transportable. Thankfully, I was reading the release notes for the 9.4 JDBC driver and saw this.

Using the latest, released JDBC driver in your project.clj file:

  [org.postgres/postgres "9.4-1201-jdbc41"]

you can pick up this pull request, and feature.

By simply doubling the question mark, it'll now reduce this to one ? and the operator will work. Very slick. So now in a clojure SQL statement, just put ?? when you need ? and you're good to go!

Fantastic! I've checked it and it works perfectly.