Heroku Adds Redis


This afternoon I saw a tweet from Heroku about them adding Redis to the add-ons for their service. This just a few days after their announcement that Postgres was available for the free tier, and the new "Free" tier for apps. They are getting aggressive with what services they are providing. This makes a ton of good sense to me, as I'm a huge fan of redis from clojure, and this makes all the experience I've got in building apps directly transferable.

While I know the Free tier isn't all that great, the idea that there is a Free tier is amazing, and it means that I can write something and throw it up there, and as it's needed, I can scale it up. Very cool. They also have a hobbyist tier that's only something like $8/mo. - similar to GitHub.

If I needed to be firing up a web service, it'd be clojure, redis, and postgres - all on Heroku. What an amazing service.