Upgraded to iOS 8.3

iPhone 4

I saw a tweet from Wil Shipley about iOS upgrading, so I decided to check and see is indeed there had been an update drop, or if it was a developer update for something he's working on. Turns out iOS 8.3 dropped, and so I spent the few minutes to download it and make sure it runs well.

They re-did the emoji keyboard, and it looks a little more dense to me, which is fine because before it was pages and pages of emoji. Not bad. They also said that it was a few bug fixes that impacted performance, and who doesn't like a little performance boost now and again?

After I was sure it was all OK, I sent out a text to me family saying that it was ready to use, and that I'd checked it out already. I know they don't need me to say this, but it's nice to know what someone is thinking of you - even if it's as silly as an automatic update of iOS.

They'll get it when they can, and that's fine.