Poor Mac Management is Worse than No Mac Management


I had to update my work MacBook Pro, and I got the dreaded "login" Keychain problem because I guess the tools they created/used to update my local password were not up to snuff, and now that I've created a new KeyChain, I've also found that they have just horribly managed this laptop to the point that I'm surprised that it works at all.

It's this kind of lame administration that really makes me upset. They bought this bill of goods from some enterprisey shop about how to "Easily" and "Securely" administer their laptops, and rather than just teach people, or make it clear what to do, and not do, they have this crap with no way to remove it for those of us that simply don't need it.

It's frustrating. Yet in the end, I have to follow the advice I gave a friend just this morning... take it easy, this is just another indicator that this is not the place you really want to work. Simple.