Starting the New Job Search


Well... after the shock of yesterday, I have to admit, it was a very hard thing to get going today. I'm planning on taking the rest of the week as Work From Home, but even then, the crushing fear of being without a job, and having all the responsibilities of my little house - and Liza's and the kids... well... it was one of the worst starts on a day since those first few days in the hotel. It was just horrible.

But I had a feeling that I needed to get up - I needed to run, and I needed to pretend that my life was going to be OK. That I was going to pull through this - I didn't know how, but somehow, someway, I was going to make it. As my Mom was always fond of saying: The motion becomes the emotion - and I think she stole that from her Dad.

So I got up to run, and do my regular morning routine. It wasn't easy, but I tell you, I've never enjoyed Stan and Neil on SportsCenter as much as I did that morning. They helped get the day going. Then it was time to think... what to do? During the rest of my work-out, getting cleaned-up, and dressed, I worked through what I needed to do... the emails that needed writing, the people I needed to reach out to.

So I hit the morning going - emailed the last place that made me an offer, to see if it was still open (nope, not surprising). Then it was chatting with a few friends, pinging them about what's going on, and chatting to a friend that just left The Shop for a West Coast start-up. It was nice to talk to him... it's been a tough couple of years, and he's known me through almost all of it.

Then I chatted with a friend that I worked with a while back, and asked him about anything he's heard. He's still in Finance, and it's been two years, plus, since I've been there, and I do miss it. He said they are hiring, and that I'd be great for the job(s). So we set up some time to talk on Monday.

My hope picked up.

Then I saw that my former manager at The Shop - who left a few months before for another job on the West Coast, and he'd been fired yesterday, too. Wow... I told him I was sorry it happened, and he explained that the CEO got shaken when the company came under a little fire, and my friend was jettisoned. It felt like fate. Same day. Wow.

My hope picked up a little more.

I don't know what the rest of the day will bring - I fully expect to have dark times - I have no future now, so I'm going all on faith, but I have a few glimmers of hope, and if I can just hold on to those, maybe I can weather this storm, too.

Hope so.