Excellent Code for JSONP Responses


Today I needed to do some real updating to my JSONP code in one of my services. Up to now, it's been OK for all the clients, but it's clear that we're getting to the limits of the simple approach we initially took to dealing with JSONP responses:

  (defn return-json
    "Creates a ring response for returning the given object as JSON."
    ([ob] (return-json ob (now) 200))
    ([ob lastm] (return-json ob lastm 200))
    ([ob lastm code]
      {:status code
       :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
                 "Last-Modified" (str (or lastm (now)))}
       :body (piped-input-stream
               (fn [out]
                 (->> out
                      (json/generate-stream ob))))}))

which didn't really allow for any errors, or issues that might crop up.

Sadly, we're starting to see things crop up, and so with Gary's help - the original author of the original code, who has updated his code to handle a great many more things, we have:

  (defn return-json
    "Creates a ring response for returning the given object as JSON."
    ([ob] (return-json ob (now) 200))
    ([ob lastm] (return-json ob lastm 200))
    ([ob lastm code]
      {:status code
       :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
                 "Last-Modified" (str (or lastm (now)))}
       :body (piped-input-stream
               (bound-fn [out]
                 (with-open [osw (OutputStreamWriter. out)
                             bw (BufferedWriter. osw)]
                   (let [error-streaming
                         (fn [e]
                           ;; Since the HTTP headers have already been sent,
                           ;; at this point it is too late to report the error
                           ;; as a 500. The best we can do is abruptly print
                           ;; an error and quit.
                           (.write bw "\n\n---ERROR WHILE STREAMING JSON---\n")
                           (.write bw (str e "\n\n"))
                           (warnf "Streaming exception for JSONP: %s"
                                  (.getMessage e)))]
                       (json/generate-stream ob bw)
                       ;; Handle "pipe closed" errors
                       (catch IOException e
                         (if (re-find #"Pipe closed" (.getMessage e))
                           (info "Pipe closed exception: %s" (.getMessage e))
                           (error-streaming e)))
                       (catch Throwable t
                         (error-streaming t)))))))}))

All the tests I've run this looks to do everything I need - it works - Whew!, but with the trapping, we should be able to have a lot better control when things go wrong.