Cleaning Up Parsing Errors

Unified Click

From time to time, I've been asked to add features to my data stream by groups, and one of these groups at The Shop deals with affiliates directing traffic - and hopefully sales - to the site. If so, they get paid, which is good for everyone. One of the things that's important about this is to accurately track who came from where, and all that. To that end, I've had to implement some rather complex if-then-else logic into the code to match what the existing attribution code is.

Well... it seems I probably made a mistake in being a little too inclusive with some of the data. I was including a URL in the data I'm being sent when I really didn't want to include the domain in that URL - just the parameters.

When this was pointed out, I realized that the instructions I'd received from the group about this feature were relatively vague, and after I really dug into what they were asking, and comparing the code, it was likely the case that I wanted the options, but not the domain in the URL.

Not at all clear, but hey... I can admit that I didn't get it right - easy fix.