Complex Things

I've never been one to think that I had a really great grasp on life - Oh, sure, I've felt that I had a reasonably good grasp of parts of life from time to time, but then days like today happen and I'm left wondering if I ever really had even the slightest clue of what was going on.

One of the greatest guys I've ever worked with was right-sized in the bloodbath that was Red Tuesday, and will be moving to another division tomorrow. He thought it would be today, but it was postponed until tomorrow. It's just amazing the effect people have on all of us - those of us that choose to entangle ourselves with other's lives. I'm really going to miss this guy. Pretty depressing.

At the same time I'm trying to keep busy with his work, another (right-sized) guy's work, and mine. Thankfully, I understand all the work and it's not too bad - certainly when I have to wait for others to get other things done before I can do anything. It's amazing how long some folks take to add a column to a database.

I know that when I get nervous, or upset, what helps is to have something interesting to do - something to occupy my mind. I'm trying to keep that in mind and keep busy. I've got a few things to do, but for the most part it's a waiting game. More a fireman than a developer right now.