The Latest Atom 0.127.0 is Closer
I've been looking at Atom as a potential replacement to Sublime Text 3 - my current editor, and it's getting closer, but it's not there yet. They have come up with several new themes - and at least one of them is very nice. They have put in the vertical space option, which was missing for me. They have even put in enough hidden defaults to make it possible to hide the tabs and the left-side bar.
So it's close. Really close.
But it doesn't remember it's state on exit. That's huge for Sublime Text 3, and something I just feel is important enough not to leave behind. I'm expecting the "find anything" that Sublime Text has, and BBEdit doesn't is coming - if it's not there now, but that really doesn't matter to me at this point. Lack of restart state is a killer.
But it's nice to see the GitHub crew aren't stopping with their initial release. And I've read that they are looking to add this back in - which will be nice. But they'll also have to do a lot about the memory footprint - Sublime Text 3 is a lot smaller footprint.