iPod Touch v2.0.2 Update


I saw that Apple released another update to the iPhone/iPod Touch OS - now to v2.0.2 and so I once again got out the cord and updated it via iTunes. It's really easy enough, but I was surprised today when my laptop tried to sync the updates I'd gotten for a few apps off the App Store - one of them failed and gave a very cryptic error message. I'll have to look and see what the status is after the update.

I'm sure this is hard for a company to become so diverse in it's product set when it's still relatively small. I appreciate they are doing their best, and in a few revisions they'll get it stabilized and things will run a lot more smoothly. I wish they'd get MobileMe worked out - and add SSL to the site. I would like to be able to use that someday, but for now, I'm doing it the old fashioned way - manually.