Switched Over to Sublime Text 3 Beta

Sublime Text 2

This morning I've been fussing with MacVim and Sublime Text 2 and trying to come to terms with the fact that Sublime Text 2 has crashed on me a few times, and I have no desire to go through that again. I have downloaded the beta of Sublime Text 3, and it appears to be decent - though because it's using Python 3 virtually none of the packages I use in Sublime Text 2 are going to work properly, but at least I get the default behavior, and that's about 95% of what I use day-to-day anyway.

So I decided that it's time to give it a shot, and I switched from Sublime Text 2 to Sublime Text 3 on my main MacBook Pro. This isn't my work machine, but my machine, and as such it's not getting the same number of keystrokes as the work machine, but still… as I work on it I'm hammering on ST3, and hopefully, they will get it out of beta soon, and the Package maintainers will upgrade their code to be compliant with Python 3 and I'll be able to get back all the functionality I have/had in the older version.

Among the new features in ST3 is the extensive use of C++11, and that includes the move semantics which should make for a much more efficient app. I'm hoping to see that the crashes I've had go away, and if so, I'll be more than happy to foot the bill for the upgrade price.

This isn't to say I've given up on MacVim - I just read a message that the maintainer is looking to add the window/file/tab restore feature to it, but that it's "hard", and so I'm not expecting it anytime soon. Should that come to pass, I think I might have a much harder time choosing an editor. Yeah, it'd be tough not to use MacVim if it had that feature. It's such a powerful editor.