Slugging through Clojure Learning Curve
I spent the entire day doing something I'd hoped would have only taken about an hour this morning. I wanted to get the seasonal adjustment code done, and then test and be finished! But that's not how it turns out, is it? I spent a lot of time fighting with clojure, and more time fighting with how it was being used by the architect of the project I'm on.
The biggest thing about clojue today was the use of the apply function. I hadn't really used it before, but I had a sequence of 12-element sequences and I wanted to make a new sequence - call it a transpose if you want to borrow from linear algebra, but basically it's another array, but this time, it's a sequence of 12 elements - each with a size of 'n' represented by the number of sequences in the original data.
I needed this for computing the maximum factor for each of the months based on a series of yearly factor sequences.
I found something that looked like it'd work:
(def factors '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))) (apply map vector factors) => ((1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9))
so I used it and was happy that I found it. But my happiness faded when I got a clojure error message saying that somewhere in my code, the map function was getting only one argument - and that was an error. I looked and looked, and could not find the problem.
I chatted with my teammate and he pointed out that if factors is empty, then map will have no arguments, and that's the error. He used this saying "all languages" do this with varargs.
OK… let me get this right… if I have a non-nil, but empty factors, then this fails? Yup, it does. I was pretty pissed at clojure for this. First, for not handling edge conditions better than this, and secondly for the error message that could have been far far more useful than it was.
OK, to be fair, I can see his point. They don't want to have to make exceptions for things like:
(apply + ())
and I was using something I'd never used before. My bad. I should have known better.
But the guy that's supposed to be the "clojure horse" of the group is a guy that barely works 40 hrs a week and is on a three-day trip to talk at a conference. Bully for him, but that doesn't leave me anything to do if I don't venture out on my own. And if I do, I'm going to get burned like this, and it's going to piss me off.
When I know a lot more about clojure, I'll be more comfortable and I won't mind his walkabouts to wherever. But while I'm trying to make progress, it's a real problem for me. But it's something I can't say anything about because I'm not his manager. Yippee.
The other big issue was the circular reference problem in clojure. I really can't believe there's no solution to that. I've gotta hit google for that tomorrow.