Quality == Zero Hidden Gotchas in the System


I've been working with a system today that has nearly driven me to drink with it's hidden features. I know each complex system will have them, but when you are paying millions of dollars for a serious system, you should have as few of these hidden gotchas as possible. I submit that the higher the quality of the product, the fewer the number of hidden gotchas it has.

Take a good messaging system like IBM MQ or Sun ONE MQ. Both have serious price tags, both do a serious job, and while I may not like the configuration of one, or the other, I have to say that there are so few hidden gotchas in these two products as to really make them almost perfect. Ideal? No... but they do exactly what they say with no ambiguity and very little learning curve.

In comparison to the product I'm working with. They have a feature where you can define supplemental fields to the existing fields (attributes) to the stock objects in their system. You can add strings, doubles, dates, etc. Seems reasonably flexible, until you have to actually have to use them.

Say you have an object that has a built-in value (attribute) called 'date', and you want to add a supplemental field for 'expiration'. You can define the 'expiration' field just fine - as a date, even. You can then use the fields like:

  print obj.date
  print obj.expiration    // <- WRONG!!

You cannot "just use" the field you've defined even though the system has all the data it needs to work this out. No, you have to read it through a special method:

  print obj.read_supp('expiration')

and writing is even worse. You have to scan through all the supplemental fields on the type of object and see if there's the one you want, and then scan the object itself for this 'id' as you can't look it up on the name.

In short, this is an enormous pain, and there's even more. Even if you define a supplemental field as a double, you have to store it as a string! All supplemental values are going to be strings. The only advantage the 'type' has in the definition is the input checking in the GUI. It's a joke. I'm stunned.

In a good product there aren't any gotchas like these. Things work in a similar and symmetric manner. Sure, it takes more work on the part of the developers, but that's what it takes to have quality software - work. I'm continually amazed that this product sells any copies at all. (which is why I'm not referring to it by name, clearly)

If I"m lucky, this will die soon enough.