When Deadlines aren’t Really Deadlines


This morning I got an email from the project manager for the project I'm on about the Q4 goals of getting the code running for all of North America by the end of the quarter. In short, he wants to have coding done on 12/10, and then running for everyone on 12/17. I wanted to ask him in what calendar is 12/10 then "end of the quarter"? I was a little more respectful than that, but the end result was that I asked him to explain why we needed to hit these artificial deadlines. His response was classic:

Because in order to have users using it by the end of Q4, we need to have training and development done long before that.

To which I about replied I quit!

But I didn't. I simply said that I was only comfortable with getting the code running by 12/31/2012 - not 12/10, or his artificial goals.

In the end, I know it was bad. It'll end badly, and I really don't care at this point. I've given him all I am going to, and now he's just a plain old jerk in my book. Nothing special about that.

And certainly not worth working on Thanksgiving.