Doing timing comparisons for Salesforce

This morning I need to do some simple timing comparisons for the Salesforce Team here at The Shop so they can push this back to the guys and ask what's going on. I'm taking the overnight runs of Production and UAT hitting the production and staging sandboxes, respectively, and comparing that to running the UAT hardware against the new API sandbox, and simply comparing times for actual runs.

Hardware Sandbox Time
Production (EC2) Production 20:03
UAT (EC2) Staging 20:03
UAT (EC2) API 29:07

At the same time, I'm gathering some DEBUG logging information for NewRelic as their newrelic-rpm Gem is not sending back to them the method call instrumentation data in jruby-1.7.0 that it is in jruby- I know this because our NewRelic graphs go silent the same instant we moved from to 1.7.0. However, we do get the CPU usage and the memory usage and even the deployment markers - so I know we're sending something, but it's just not sending the right instrumentation data.

So they asked me to send them a DEBUG log, which seems really reasonable. So I'm getting it as I'm doing the final UAT-to-API timing test.

UPDATE: they have sped up API significantly from yesterday. Whatever they did - it's working and that's OK with me.