Fixing up the Propane CSS


At The Shop we use Campfire for 'chat' as opposed to using IRC. I can see the advantage - it's very popular, it's already logging, and there's a reason to outsource those things that you don't offer a competitive advantage. There's a nice Mac OS X native app called Propane that allows you to have Campfire open in a nice app as opposed to a web browser. It's basically a simple WebKit view of the data stream from Campfire, but it's nice and slick, and there's several things it can do that are nice.

One of the nice things is that it can do is to offer call-backs to the image rendering so that we can modify the stream, and easily add additional CSS for the rendering. This was something I've been looking to work on as I don't really like the default font and size as well as seeing a few guys in The Shop having a nice call-back that adds the user's gravatar to the stream.

Here's how I did it.

First, you can get use copy this gist:

as the file: ~/Library/Application Support/Propane/unsupported/caveatPatchor.js


That's most of it as it's got the gravatars now. Next, is to change the fonts of the main text and the fixed-width text in the chat window. In order to do that, you need to look in the directory: ~/Library/Application Support/Propane/styles/ and modify the file cf_chat.css to have:

tbody#chat div, tbody#chat span {
  font-family: Arial, "Lucida Grande", verdana, helvetica, sans-serif ! important;
  font-size: 0.8em ! important;
code, pre {
  font-family: Consolas, monospace ! important;
  font-size: 10px ! important;

The first part is the main body chat, and the second part is the fixed-width text.

Restart Propane, and you're in business! Much nicer for me.