Working Feverishly to Build a New View


Today I've been trying very hard to get a new view done before I have to leave early to catch a bus, to catch a train to get home in time to go to the Car Dealership to pick up the car we got for Marie to drive. It's a 1989 Volvo 740GL with 198,000 miles on it. That's a lot of miles, but I know she could not be happier with the car.

In any case, I needed to get this visualization done, and it meant that I needed to add a new view to the CouchDB as well as making it another drop-down on the page to allow the user to pick the sales rep to view. The basics of this page is to show the user the Top 100 merchants assigned to each sales rep in the division, ordered by the merchant's sales value.

It's not really all that hard, but in keeping with the style I've change to with these pages, it's a lot of little calls, as opposed to a few big calls and then manipulating the data once it's on the client. It's a different style, that's to be sure, but it's workable and I just needed to get the queries done, and the calls set up so that things looked reasonable.

Thankfully, I was able to just get things done before I had to leave.
