Code Monkeys

Code Monkeys

I was talking with a good friend this morning and I came up with a name for a lot of the ruby devs I've run into - but to be fair, it's not just for a good chunk of the ruby devs I've met - it's for a general class of developers. Let's pretend to be a little more precise about this:

Code Monkey - a developer that is more interested in learning a language and how to solve a few problems in it, than using it to solve real-world problems. This includes, but is not limited to, the clojure devs that have never written a comment, and only solved the zebra/water puzzle, as well as devs that never code defensively, or even think that production is important.

This came up because I'd been battling code that wasn't written at all defensively. It was basically assumed to have been run by a person, with a person to fix any problems as they occur. It's like a glorified Excel spreadsheet - I'm going to hit 'Go', and fix things that come up.

But this doesn't really work for real life, does it? Who wants a system that runs at night that has to be constantly monitored to make sure it doesn't get bad data, etc.

Yet they are the first ones that are onto a new language - like clojure. Saying that the real solution is to use a language that doesn't need all that checking as a functional language simply doesn't require it.

What world are they living in?

How is a language able to do ETL on it's own? Answer: It can't. You still have to do it. But the Code Monkeys are really skipping all that because they start with good data and then the process is clean, and simple.

No kidding? Really? Well, of course it is! The same is true for C++, Java, and any other language you want to pick. Start with clean data, don't worry about exceptions and potential problems, and you're going to be able to write amazingly clean code. But that's not how life really works.

We agreed that there were guys with language knowledge, and skills, but they never really dug in and made it work. It's nice to talk to Code Monkeys, but it's not nice to have to work with them. You're always cleaning up their messes.