Updated Resume and Web Site
I've been at The Shop about six weeks, and I thought this morning it was about time I updated my resumes and my web site. It's something I like to keep up to date because going back and figuring out what you did when, and for whom, is one of those things that you have to do when you're looking for a new position, and that's typically a pretty stressful time. There's no need to add to the stress by figuring all this out when it's possible to do it a little at a time, when it's all fresh in your memory.
So I took the time to update my three resumes, and the four web pages as well as my WordPress 'About me' page. I had updated LinkedIn a few weeks ago as I was still getting a lot of interest on that front, and it was only fair to shut that down by posting the new position.
It's really quite nice using the tools I have for this: Pages and Coda, as I really only need to write the text once and then I can just move it from document to page to document and simply reformat it. Sweet tools. But hey… it's a Mac - it's gotta be sweet!
All done and it only took me a few minutes for everything. Love to stay up to date.