A Couple of Updates – Acorn and NetNewsWire


This morning Acorn v1.2.1 was released with a lot of bug fixes and no real feature enhancements listed in the release notes. I hadn't noticed a lot of issues with it in my usage, but after reading the release notes, it was clear that there were some drawing/rendering and such issues that would have annoyed me, had I been using those features in my daily work.

Glad they fixed them, and got a new release out. Interesting aside, I noted on Twitter that Gus was doing the build of 1.2.1 as he was tweeting about it. A few hours later - Bingo! a new release. Twitter is the portent of new releases. Cool.


Also this morning, NetNewsWire v3.1.7b1 was released with the singular bug fix of working much better with Growl, which I use every day for all kinds of notifications. I hadn't noticed any real performance hit, but there must have been something significant going on or there would not have been the need for the fix (and update).

So... good enough. Polish on an already nice app - can't beat that.