Made my First Gem!


OK, it's nothing special, but today I took on a story where I needed to pull out the Salesforce client into a gem and put them gem in our local ruby-gems server. It's pretty nice how it all works - you create a simple 'stub' gem, populate it with files and data, package it up, check it into git, and publish it. It's really pretty simple. Clearly, it's very tightly coupled to git and the ruby-gems server, but that's not too bad, considering.

The class needed very little tweaking, but it needed a bit. I was able to easily retrofit the gem into our code and it was all done in about an hour. Clearly, it'll be faster the next time, but the process is easy:

  $ bundle gem my_gem

then edit the gemspec and put in the code as needed. Build it with:

  $ rake build

and there should be a gem file ready to deploy.

I'll take better notes the next time to make sure I get all the details, but it wasn't too hard.