Nice Firefox 3.0 Themes for Mac OS X


This morning I was checking on the status of a few projects I follow, and I noticed that someone had a link to these fantastic Firefox themes that make Firefox 3.0 look virtually identical to Safari - which is not a bad thing. Personally, I like his 'GrApple Yummy (blue)' best, but I got all four and might switch up if I decide I need a different look.

Typically, I run Firefox and Safari side-by-side because the things I do in Firefox I want to keep around, and Safari is the general web tool. For example, I have a few pages up to my hosting provider all the time - checking on the state of things there, and for that, I want Firefox for it's completeness and support. But for Googling things and hitting the web-based docs and manuals, it's Safari. Because of that, I have to restart Safari a few times a week just because it gets so bloody big a memory footprint.

Anyway, give these themes a try on your Mac - they are pretty spiffy.