The Endless Loop of Refactoring


I'm a big fan of refactoring - heck rewriting, code. It's good because the first time you write something, you're going to make mistakes, and the more you re-work it, the better it's going to be. Or so the theory goes… and I tend to agree with that theory… so long as some kind of limits are imposed.

I'm not talking about being unreasonable here, either. If you are feeling that a class or method needs to be changed in order to make it more readable, more maintainable, or fix a serious performance issue, then by all means - do it. But if you're changing 10 lines for 10 different lines… or doing meta programming to try and make things neater or cooler, then I want to stop you right there and say What's the benefit of this change?

Is it really better? More readable? More maintainable? Or is it that you thought of another way to write the same thing, and wanted to write it just because you could? I'm running into quite a bit of that today, and because I'm the new guy, and don't want to rock the boat, I sat back and learned a lot about how to write 10 lines of ruby code about six different ways. I learned a lot, but the code didn't benefit one little bit.

The developers discussing this - there were three of us on this at that time, were talking about the relative merits of the indentation style, and the warranted differentiation of the methods of generating the methods dynamically in ruby. All might be considered valid issues, but none of this makes the code better.


So after we got all this checked in and done, we started talking a little and I just brought up the point that in the past, this would have never been allowed in the places I've been. There is just too much to do to allow three high-powered developers to be tied up for more than an hour for 10 lines of code that were fine before anyone got involved. It would have been seen as a massive waste of time.

But in truth, there was benefit. The methods are smaller by a bit. I learned a lot. And the calling arguments are now more general. This is all nice, but it certainly doesn't compare favorably to the cost. But maybe that's the difference outside of Finance. Maybe the sustainability is more reasonable here. Maybe it's OK to do this and "relax", and allow everyone to recharge from time to time.

It's certainly different.