Moving from JRuby Installer to RVM


Turns out The Shop is a big fan of RVM, and it's ilk, where you have to install something small, and then have that install all the things you need. It's a nice setup, and I can see why they do it - so I'm going to remove the JRuby Framework and try using RVM.

The setup is simple:

  $ curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby

and once that's all done, we can just install jruby with:

  $ source .rvm/scripts/rvm
  $ rvm install jruby-1.6.7

to get jruby 1.6.7 (the preferred version at this time) for the box.

It all installs in !/.rvm and that's really very convenient, and you can put simple .rvmrc files in project directories to force the use of a certain version, etc. Also, if that version isn't installed, then rvm will go get it for you to make sure you can run what you need.

Not bad. I can go with this.