Making Decent Progress on LKit

LKit Language

This afternoon I've been doing quite a bit of coding and documenting on LKit. Specifically, I've put in quite a few examples of the language constructs to the so that I had something to work against for the parser::compile() method. I wanted to have a few things straight before I started coding things up.

Secondly, I noticed that I only had max, min, and sum defined as functions, but what I really needed was to include all the arithmetic operators: +, -, *, and / as well as the comparison operations: ==, !=, >, <, >=, and <=. I built the comparison operators as a single class with a constructor argument (enum) for the type of operation to be performed, and then just added them to the default set with different names and constructor args. Nice and clean.

I did the same for the binary operators and, or, and not. Very clean, and it really keeps the lines of code down.

With this, I'm about to the point that I need to really get the tokenizing and parsing together. I still need to be able to have user definable functions, but that's a big next step, and I'll tackle that after I get the basic parser going with what I have.

Lots to do, but it's getting more exciting as there are lots of things to work on and get going. Closer and closer… I'll get there.