Finally Got LKit up to GitHub

LKit Language

I finally got enough of LKit done to push it all up to a new GitHub (public) repo, and it's nice to get past that first hurdle. I have the value, the function, and the expression all done, and even have a few basic functions defined - sum, max and min. While I know there's a lot more to do, I wanted to get a little something up there so that I can start to show it to folks, and get some important feedback.

I went onto Google, and found a neat little tux/ninja-turtle icon I'll use for LKit for free - can't beat that. And I'm off to the races.

What I've really got up to this point is the basics of the language - in structure, but no parser at this point. I need to start work on more functions as well as the parser, and then start to look at optimizations on the updating of values. For example, if all the arguments to an expression haven't changed, then there's no need to recalculate the expression - it's value will remain unchanged.

There's a lot more to do, But it's nice to get the first cut up there so I can get a sense that it's real.