A Couple of Interviews Today

It's been a long day, and I'm not feeling exceptionally great about the possible outcome of the day's work. It all had to be done, but I'm worried about what might, and what might not, come of all the talking and walking.

Today I had two interviews at places in Chicago, and so I got up this morning and went forth, determined to land not now, but two, offers, and be able to pick my favorite of the two. I had a more 'corporate' interview first, and I believe they are going to offer me a position, but I could be wrong. It's certainly happened before. And even if they offer me the position, I'm concerned that it'll be so low I won't be able to take it without also having to some up with some other source of income to supplement it - or move and drastically reduce our living expenses.

The second was with a start-up, and while I really liked the guys, and can see myself working with them on this venture, again, I don't see them coming up with the money I told them I'd have to have to work there. I can appreciate why they don't have the money, but then I'd really almost have wished that they hadn't have me talk to them if they knew they couldn't pay me. It just gets kinda dissappointing.

In the end, I don't know anything at this point, and I just need to sit tight, follow other leads, and see where things lead. Who knows? Maybe they will surprise me both.

That would be really nice.