Upgraded to WordPress 2.5.1 at HostMonster
This morning I noticed that Fantastico at HostMonster had gotten the update of WordPress to 2.5.1 - so I took the time to upgrade. It's pretty simple, and I keep the roll-back instructions in VoodooPad Pro (just in case), but I doubt I'll ever need them. I'm pretty sure the 2.5.1 upgrade is for security issues, and there aren't a lot of additional features in this guy, but it's always nice to stay current with these things - just in case someone decides to create a 10 million machine bot storm to crack all WordPress sites.
I'm still looking forward to the Google Summer of Code work for putting a caching system into WordPress. While I don't get enough page hits to really need a cache, you never know when you might be Slashdotted, and for that, a cache can be a lifesaver.