Facebook Continues It’s Amazing Opening Slide


I was talking to a friend on chat this morning, and he pointed me to some code on GitHub that supposedly comes from Facebook, and has some interesting data structures designed for very high performance on highly threaded applications. It's similar to DKit, but larger, and I had a look at what was there. It's not that it's bad, but it's Facebook, and there's still something about that place that makes me think of Used Car Salesmen, and not in a good way.

While this code base has some interesting things, it's nothing that I haven't seen in TBB and other places, or that you could make with a simple TBB read/write spin lock, and a simple STL data structure. But it got me to thinking, and so I checked this morning, and the Facebook slide continues:

Facebook Slides Again

It's hard to get behind a company, and a person, that seems to act with such arrogance, and at the same time is in the middle of such a horrible IPO. I mean I'm betting there are people in Facebook that are close to jumping out the windows a la 1929. There are governmental investigations, lawsuits filed, and the stock still keeps sliding.

As some point, it has to match the real value of the company and stop, but I have no idea where that is. They have a ton of code (IP), and they have data centers, so it's not like they have no valuable assets - it's just that their valuation is based on their user base and expected returns and growth. But that's not necessarily anything like what the company is really worth.

I just wonder when it'll stop the slide.