Found a Decent Windows Blogging Client


I have started to use WordPress at work for my daily journal of activities. Previously, I had a simple static HTML page that I'd write in daily and it worked - but it wasn't really nice and it certainly didn't make it easy for others to join in and do their journaling as well.

So I set up a WordPress infrastructure and it's working very well. But the problem is that I can't run MarsEdit on linux or Windows - and the web-based WordPress posting page works, but is far far too wasteful of screen real-estate for my tastes. So I have been looking for a nice, free Windows or Linux blogging client. I've tried a few and they seem to work OK, but the problem with the best of the linux clients is that they don't allow for multiple Category selections, and I do that often to indicate which projects this entry 'touches'.

So I had to broaden my horizons to include Windows apps.

I found w.bloggar and it seems at first look to be just what I'm looking for - monospaced font editing (in HTML, please), multiple category selections, easy editing and posting, and it's free. Can't beat that. Small... compact... just what I was looking for. It's a shame that it's on Windows and not Linux - or that Drivel (the best linux blogger) doesn't allow for multiple category selections, but that's life, and I do not feel like writing one myself.

So... good to know that I've got the tools on Windows (at least) to do the updates efficiently and cleanly. Not bad.