Having a Blast at Panera

This evening I decided I wanted to get out of the house a little, so I went with Liza to the Naperville North Women's Lacrosse Board Meeting and sat at a little table for two in the corner and did a bit of coding. I can see why Wil Shipley and so many others do the exact same thing. It's so nice to have a simple little break from the home office where I've been hammering on this same problem for quite a while. Just the change of scene… the different background music… the different table and surroundings - all makes for a really wonderful experience.

Now I don't think I'd do this over the home office, but it's certainly nice to have the change of scene. If I went indie, I'd be doing this a few times a week. Maybe Starbucks, Panera, and other similar places would be where I spent my afternoons. Hard to say, but it's a lot of fun. I can see myself doing a lot more coding here if Liza's going to stay on this board.

Very nice change of pace.

And I got a lot of coding done too!