Getting the Blues

I had a bad case of The Blues this past weekend - I wanted to get a few things done and as it turned out, none of them got done. I've put too much emphasis on the weekends as a recharge cycle for these weeks I've been having. Too bad it took me until today on the way in to realize this. But I guess I had to have something snap me out of it, and that little something this morning was the realizition that there's a company that will upgrade the hard disk in my iBook from the existing 20GB to 30GB, 40GB, or 60GB. One of the problems I had this weekend is the realization that my iBook was not very user-servicable and I was running out of space on the 20GB internal drive. I didn't want to believe that it was a dead-end, and with finding this company this morning, I know that if I don't want to do it myself, I have an option.

The other thing I wanted to do this weekend was look into getting an additional drive for barney my SGI Indigo2. It's getting closer than I'd like and while it's easier for me to add the drive because I have the enclosures and cables, it's still a couple of hundred dollars to get a 36GB SCSI drive - as oppoed to 80GB+ if it was EIDE... but that's the cost of SCSI, and it's worth it.

So I didn't get either of these things done and I realized this morning that there's no one that's going to get me out of The Blues except me. I'm the one that's responsible for my own happiness. Yeah, it's the standard party-line from the counseling I had years ago, but it's easy to forget and blame other things.

The Road less Traveled is less traveled because it's harder... Every now and then it's important to remind oneself.