Did a Lot of Code Cleanup Today

Code Clean Up

Today I spent a good bit of time going through a co-worker's code and cleaning it up to be something that I'm OK with in the code base of the project. It's something that I'm used to doing, and while some will think it's the ultimate in micro-management, it's really not. I'm not asking him to do it - I'm the one doing all the work. I hope that he takes just a minute or two to look at what I've done and learn from it, but that's totally optional on his part. I can hope he'll do it, but I'm not planning on him doing it.

But I simply cannot leave this code in as-is. It's just starting to go into production, and to leave poorly designed, poorly commented, and code missing the coding standards at this point in time is just giving into the worst of entropy in this project. I have to hold it together as long as I can because there will come a day I have to leave it, and then I can do nothing to prevent this kind of slide.

It's not bad, as a job, it's just something you have to get in the right frame of mind to do.