Xcode 4.3 is Out!


This morning I found out that Xcode 4.3 was released, and this time, it was a regular app on the Mac App Store! No more "installer app" that you download and then install from - this places all the files and directories right where you need them. I was a little surprised to see everything fall right into place, but the apps weren't in /Developer any longer. Maybe this is part of the plan to clean things up, but it's OK with me. I've moved all the docs I had out of that directory with my new laptop, so it's simple for me to use the new Xcode location.

Plus, it's just getting nicer and nicer. The tools and the OS for this Mac are the most amazing things I can imagine. Had I had tools like this in grad school, I'd have made my simulator run on distributed Macs and the graphics would be so nice, it'd make your eyes tear up.

Not to mention the thesis would not have been vtroff and tape for figures.

Everything gets better, and this update is no exception. I'm really glad they are pushing forward.