Struggling with Data Transfer Issues


I spent about 60% of my day today dealing with user issues related to the latest testing cycle, and the rest of my day trying to get a good handle on this data transfer issue that I'm having with my archive server and feed recorders. It appears that so long as the recorders write the files to the filesystem, the server can read them and decode them just fine. But when I go through The Broker for the in-memory buffers in the recorders, I get all kinds of junk.

It's not every time, though - it's not hard to repeat on the scale that I need it to work, but it's very tricky to repeat on the small scale that makes it easy to find the problem. It could be a boost ASIO problem -- I know I made some changes recently hoping that would clear things up, but maybe we have a problem with the io_service instances? Don't know.

I do know that when I only look at the filesystem, it's fine. Crud.

So today I spent as much time as I could gather to narrow down the problem. As of the end of the day, I'm thinking it's not in the serial transfer, but in something after that. What? I con't know, but it's looking like it's getting into the process just fine.

We'll have to work on it more tomorrow.