Adding New Data to the Greek Engine

High-Tech Greek Engine

Today, in addition to dealing with QA questions from a lot of the groups trying to test their apps against my new engine, I had to add in the last trade on each exchange to the system so that the clients could see that - in addition to the per exchange quotes and volume. I don't know why the guy who used to work on this didn't tell me this was needed - but he didn't, and that's just the way things go. Nothing to do today, but fit it in.

The problem is that the change really makes the serialized output format different, and that means that we need to have the Java and C# clients updated as well. I did the C++ client when I put in the change, and tested it out as a part of my codebase. But the other clients are in my codebase, and so I just have to send out the change, and hope they see the note and pick it up as soon as possible.

I'm sure there will be prodding on the part of the users, and it'll make them a little grumpy, but since I didn't know about it until today, I can't really have done anything about it until today. So it goes.

It was a bit of a hassle because of the way they wanted me to implement it - first in a different branch, then fold it into mine so I could really test it. Not horrible, but annoying. So it goes.

I'm saying a lot of that recently… Not a really great sign in my book...