Documenting the Greek Engine – OmniGraffle Pro

I have started the documentation of some of the parts of my Greek Engine, starting with our use of redis as a cache service. This documentation is written for our QA Testers, but it ultimately needs to be translated to non-technical speak for the operations and testers folks that will come along later in the lifecycle of the project. As an additional visual aid, I started with just about the only thing I had that would make Visio-like drawings: ZeusDraw. It's OK, and I've certainly done plenty in it, but it's not the same as a real layout program like Visio on Windows, or even OmniGraffle from OmniGroup.

Still… at $200 for the Pro version - that which can read/write Visio files, it's a lot for something that I don't need all that often. Still… it's a sweet looking application. Something I would really like to have, but it's hard justifying the cost for this one project.

So I finished the first version of the block diagram of the Workspace and data feeds and realized that I needed to spend the money if I really wanted to make these look nice, and useful. So it looks like I'm going to do these over in OmniGraffle Pro as soon as we load up my PayPal account with enough money to cover the $200 the app costs from the Mac App Store.