Gave a Talk on Boost ASIO

Boost C++ Libraries

I just got back from giving a talk on boost ASIO to a group of developers at The Shop. It was a "lunch talk" where the place buys lunch and they listen to a talk from someone - and today that was me. I was asked to present and give this talk by a developer that felt there were a lot of folks in his group that needed to understand that using a library for socket communications was a good thing, and not a bad one.

I spent a while making slides the other day, and today I ran through them. I finished at 12:59 - one minute short of the end time. Quite nicely done. I tried to stay to the theme that I was asked to talk to, and I think there may have actually been one or two folks that learned something. Maybe.

It's hard to try and teach while people are eating… and don't respond… Very hard indeed. But I got through it, and I'm glad it's done.