Problems are Solved by People that Show Up

This morning I found myself sitting here with nothing at all to do because one of the systems I depend on wasn't up, and there was no one here who knew how to get it up. That's a common problem for me, and in the past, what I've done is to learn how to get these things up, and then get them up myself. It always reminds me of the line on West Wing I saw so many years ago: People... Problems are solved by people that show up.

I could not agree more. Show up. Solve problems. After the day I wasted yesterday on this horrible double-bug, I'm not one to say bad things shouldn't happen - they do. Period. But it's the showing up that's really the key. If there's a problem, then by showing up, you can help solve them.

And showing up after it's solved is like not showing up at all.