Google Chrome dev 13.0.782.10 is Out

Google Chrome

This morning I saw that Google Chrome dev 13.0.782.10 was out with an updated version of Flash included. Since it's the only Flash player I have on by system, it's fine that it's at least contained there. I just don't like Flash all that much. I've also read that there was a Flash Player update from Adobe recently due to some security problems, and I'm not exactly sure if this guy is that patched version, or if this is one version behind. In any case, it's the update and I've got it now.

[6/8] UPDATE: that didn't last long... 13.0.782.11 is out already with a very minimal set of release notes. From the comments, it's not clear that this was really about UI tweaks, as much as there was a real problem in one of the builds and this was a quick fix for that guy. Who knows.

[6/9] UPDATE: neither did that... 13.0.782.13 is out today and it's got the same release notes about UI tweaks and stability fixes. I guess it's nice that chrome remembers my open tabs so it's painless to restart.