Writing a Position Service Client

Today I spent my own coding time building a client for the Position Service at The Shop. It's a TCP-based service that you can subscribe to and receive updates from. It actually looks to be pretty darn sane - which is a little unusual for the state of things here, but I'm willing to roll with it. The wonderful fact is that I've been working with boost asio enough now to be able to ship up a nice TCP-based client in just a few hours. It's pretty powerful stuff.

Throw in a little thread and memory block pooling and I have a client in very short order. The only problem I had was that a critical part of the functionality could only be tested during trading hours, and I didn't get enough of the code done to test that by 3:00, so I'm going to have to test that tomorrow and see what needs to be finished.

In all, though, a pretty decent day.