Working on Static Data Abstraction Layer


Another late night trying to get what Joseph calls my Impossible Project done on time. I've finally been able to let the Broker sit for a while, and I'm on to getting the database abstraction layer for the static data we'll need in the greek engine working. I've got a good start on it, and SQLAPI++ really helps, but I wasn't able to really get it nailed down before I had to run for the train.

It's getting a little old - these sprints for the train. But hey... it's part of the job these days. I know it's a nearly impossible timeline, but it's what they've asked for, and I'll do my best to deliver it to them as they asked. That's the deal we all make in a business.

I've got about another hour left on this guy and then my first database table will be done and I can hand it off to someone else for them to work in all the other tables that need to be included in the interface. Once I have all this stabilized, I'll work with the static data vendor group and see about converting these into more generally usable Broker-based data services.

Just for right now, it's enough to get them loaded from the database. We can get the rest done later.